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Natalie was diagnosed with endometriosis in 2017

What causes Endometriosis?

The causes of Endometriosis remain unclear and there is currently no cure. Although there are several theories (some dating back centuries), none fully explain the exact cause of Endometriosis or why it happens.


There has however been links to several factors which may contribute to its development, such as genetics, problems with the immune system and the gut microbiome (makeup of ‘good’ bacteria), toxins in the environment, and the after-effects of surgery, to name a few.


Not all theories are able to fully explain Endometriosis, which is why more work needs to be done. Until we understand the root cause of Endometriosis then it is hard to even contemplate a cure.


Endometriosis research is sadly very far behind that of other conditions, it certainly has some catching up to do.


Ultimately Endometriosis is poorly understood. There is still more to be done to raise awareness, and much research needed into developing new and effective treatments, a cure, and more importantly, finding out why and how the condition occurs and what causes it.

For additional information, resources, and support, please explore our website.

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