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Our Endometriosis Education Workshop at Cambridge University

Earlier this week, we had the privilege of heading over to Cambridge University to engage in an open and honest convocation about Endometriosis with the Feminist Society Group at Emmanuel College, Cambridge.

Pictured: Cambridge University, Emmanuel College, Queens Lecturer Room

The event, which took place inside Emmanuel College in the Queens Lecturer room, marked a significant step in our ongoing mission to raise awareness about this often misunderstood and underdiagnosed condition. Through our Endometriosis Education workshop, we aimed to empower individuals with knowledge and support, and it turned out to be a truly enlightening experience for everyone involved.

Pictured: Cambridge University, Emmanuel College Court Yard

The heart of our Endometriosis Education workshops lies in creating a safe and inclusive space where those affected by Endometriosis can share their personal experiences, challenges, and tips for others along their journey. We were thrilled to be joined by a handful of individuals who have benefited from our charity’s support, and they bravely shared their stories and insight.

Pictured from left to right: Dr Srividya Seshadri; Katie Noonan; Carla Cressy; Charlotte Boundy; Natalie Blake

Their personal experiences served as a source of inspiration and solidarity for all attendees. By discussing the daily struggles, misdiagnoses, and pain they endured, they offered a glimpse into the reality of living with Endometriosis. These shared experiences not only help those with the condition feel less alone but also educate the wider community about the importance of understanding and emphasising with the challenges faced by those with Endometriosis.

Pictured: Cambridge University, Emmanuel College, Queens Lecturer Room, Endometriosis educational materials, art by Charlotte Boundy

We were also joined by Dr Srividya Seshadri, one of our charity Trustees, who provided invaluable insights into the politics and medical aspects of Endometriosis. Her expertise shed light on the broader context of the condition, highlighting the need for improved healthcare and increased advocacy.

Dr Seshadri’s presentation emphasised the significance of advancing research, better diagnostics, and treatment options for Endometriosis, along with the importance of prioritising reproductive health. Her talk helped attendees grasp the complexities surrounding this condition, from the delay in diagnosis to the need for improved pain management solutions.

Pictured from left to right: Members of Cambridge University, Emmanuel College, Feminist Society; Dr Srividya Seshadri; Katie Noonan; Carla Cressy; Charlotte Boundy; Natalie Blake

The event at Cambridge University was met with open arms and enthusiasm, which reflects the growing recognition of the importance of discussing Endometriosis openly and honestly. We are immensely grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with such an esteemed institution and are excited about the potential partnerships and initiatives that lie ahead.

As we look to the future, we are committed to working with various groups and organisations within the university to keep the conversation about Endometriosis moving forward. We firmly believe that increasing awareness and understanding of this condition is vital to improving the lives of those affected by it.

Our visit to Cambridge University’s Emmanual College, Cambridge, was a resounding success, thanks to the enthusiastic participation of the Feminist Society Group, our dedicated charity supporters, and the valuable insights from Dr Srividya Seshadri. Together, we took a significant step toward raising awareness about Endometriosis and fostering a supportive community for those affected by the condition.

We remain unwavering in our commitment to spreading awareness, educating, and advocating for improved care and support for individuals with Endometriosis. We look forward to more such engagements and collaborations that will help us further our mission and empower those living with Endometriosis to lead healthier and happier lives.

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