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Endometriosis Q&A with Martin Hirsch & Anita Mitra

Join us as we answer your questions about Endometriosis

Endometriosis Q&A with Martin Hirsch & Anita Mitra
Endometriosis Q&A with Martin Hirsch & Anita Mitra


15 Mar 2023, 19:00 – 20:00 GMT

Virtual Event

About the event

Due to technical issues we decided to move our Instagram Live over to our webinar hosting platform. Join us FREE as we discuss Endometriosis and answer your questions.

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This information has been reviewed and approved by specialists.

Disclaimer: Any advice given is solely based on personal views and experiences – unless otherwise stated. The information we give is designed to support and not replace the relationships between patients and their physician. Accordingly, we always suggest that you speak to your GP or medical professional if you require medical advice or before you follow any advice or information contained in these webpages, links or documents.


Phone: 0300-102-7007

Registered Charity: 1178525

Our goal is to ensure that Endometriosis is detected, diagnosed, and managed early.

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